Friday, January 20, 2012

Research 20: Three Keys to Photography

Here is a video I found on youtube which goes over the basics as to how to take a decent photograph in three easy steps. These include the Aperture, Shutter speed and ISO. This video alone has given me a great grounding in photography, which can be translated over to film very easily.

If I can practice and get relatively skilled with a camera, then finding the shots and setting them up should be little bother, it is the inspiration that is the key to photography and film, it just helps if you know how to show that off in the pictures.
I have been practising some techniques with my own camera, however I do not have an SLR so have been trying to get an idea of the outcome of the desired photograph and replicating this using photoshop. Below I have posted a picture that I took of my car at midnight in a car park. My camera is completely digital, so I set the shutter speed to 1 minute and left it still on a tri-pod whilst it took the photograph. As the camera could not manually focus, I had to add in a masked lens blur to achieve the effect of depth of field, which is so often used in the same way in almost every music videos.

Original Photo -  you can see that that everything is in focus and that there is little depth to the photo.

Edited Photo - Here is the edited version, you can see that the car almost jumps out in front of the background. I set the gradient of the blur to just start at the rear wheel so that the whole of the ground under the car is also in focus, yet everything behind gets gradually more blurred.

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