Friday, February 3, 2012

Video Feedback

In this post I will be putting screen grabs of the responses that I got from people who watched my video. These are split into five questions, the last of which was voluntary to answer, being laid out in a text format. I will write down a couple of the responses that I received from this question. (Please click on the pictures to enlarge them for easier viewing).

Question 5 responses:
1. The second section, the cut scenes were too quick. e.g. from singer to sun in the trees - this is very nit picky however. Very good job!

2. Really enjoyed this, thought it was well thought out, fitted with the music... going to watch again, now.

3. For an ametuar video, it is brilliant. Looks like a lot of fun to do - doubt I could do any better to be fair, keep up the good work!

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