Thursday, January 19, 2012

Research 19: Match On Action

Match On Action is a key element to any type of film or video. Without it things may appear a bit strange (i.e. a door generally closes after it has opened, so it is a good idea to show the door both opening and closing), so unless intentional, more than one shot is used for a single action.
Music videos however tend to almost overdo Match On Action. Where maybe even three or four shots may be used for one action; say someone is to walk through a door, we may firstly see them reach for the door, then cut to the door handle opening, then see a foot walk over the latch, and then cut out to see the person close the door from the other side.. whilst remembering to stick to the 180 degree rule.
Therefore it is crucial for me to take a lot of different angles and versions of shots for each part of my video. Then I can edit a lot more effectively as music videos tend not to have long lasting shots in them, it is all very quick and flowing on the most part.

Match On Action can also be called Match Action Cut. I have found a video that explains it;

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